Q&A – ask away…

Have a question send an email to brad@bradnewman.com and well answer it.

  • What do you do?
    Ive been a public figure in broadcasting, voiceover & various brands for the last 30 years. I now own a small software company UpperLevel Hosting and lifestyle apparel brand; Aww gurlClick here to learn more about Aww gurls mission for charity.

  • What made you start an athleisure wear brand for women?
    I have a high EQ, I connect with women and Im genuinely interested in all things that bring women joy, enjoyment, and comfort. I guess you could say Im a bit of a girls, girl. Who wants to get a Russian manicure with me?

  • Where are you from?
    Im from Romulus just outside of Detroit.

  • How did you end up in Florida?
    I moved a lot landed in New Jersey about 30 mins outside of New York, then decided to move into Manhattan for 2 years. Now the journey takes us to Florida.

  • How are you?
    Im great, thank you for asking :).

  • Were you ever married?
    Yes, I was previously married for 20 years.

  • Are you still in NYC?
    No, I have the apartment until 7/31/2024 but I am on to other things.

  • Why are YOU SO adorable?
    Aww gurl (dot com) thx. I just try to be authentic and a nice guy.

  • Hows Brad today?
    Im great and very thankful.

  • How often do you see your boys?
    Very often via various methods in person, phone, pictures, photos, FaceTime, etc.

  • What have you learned since youve joined TikTok?
    Patience Lots and lots of patience. lol.

  • Do you have any siblings?
    Yes, I have a brother who passed away and I have one sister.

  • How many friends have you made that became like real friends from TikTok?
    I have met a few very nice people.

  • Do you believe in a higher power?
    Yes, I am a Christian by faith.

  • How many friends from TikTok have you met IRL?
    Two (2).

  • Would you consider meeting more TikTok friends IRL?
    Sure, I wouldnt see why not but my time these days is limited.

  • Why are you moving to Florida?
    Better cost-of-living no state, income tax and warmer weather.

  • Are you going to live with your parents?
    No love my Mom but she lives in another state.

  • Favorite job ever and why?
    Owning my own company this allows me to focus on the things I enjoy in life.

  • Will you stop along the way to Florida and view the sites?
    Probably not. Perhaps Ill travel some after I get settled in.

  • Do you think you will find your soulmate?
    Yes, I do.

  • What are you looking for in a soulmate?
  • Character, compassion, charisma & chemistry.

  • Have you been riding your bike lately?
    Yes!!! After almost a year it has finally fixed.

  • What is your passion?
    I have had many over the years, from broadcasting to tech. Now I focus on filling each day with as much joy as possible.

  • Are there any other business adventures in your future?
    Not that Im aware of lol. While I may help a friend out with some of their needs my focus is on UpperLevel Hosting and Aww gurl.